joi, 1 mai 2008

We Are Scientists - Chick Lit

The Song

"Chick Lit tells the story of a young girl named Agatha who one day, while collecting fire wood to blend into an immune-system boosting power shake, encounters a magic well. She knows the well is magic because it smells like Axe, and so she nervously calls three desperate wishes into its still black depths. There isn't a lot of room for storytelling in a three minute pop song, unless you're Bright Eyes, so that's where the story ends, but we definitely intend to pick it up in another song somewhere down the line. For now, try to revel in the promise of this initial set-up."

The Video

"We made a video. In it, we play pirates who contemplate a change in career when they learn that they could double their salaries by driving a semi truck."

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